What Color Walls to Tone Down Natural Hardwood?

The flooring and walls provide the backdrop for the furnishings and decorations in almost any room, and how you combine their colors determines what else will seem good there. Toning down the colors of your hardwood flooring makes it possible to create more visual space for your furnishings to occupy, and you may do this together with your selection of wall color. The crucial thing is to avoid contrast in the hues and color values.

Determine the Floor Color

Most wood floors incorporate a mixture of colors, but one shade usually stands out; in most circumstances, it’s a wood tone. Blonde woods like maple, birch, ash and, to a point, white pine, usually tend toward warm yellow, while darker forests are usually a mixture of the deep and hardened brown. Comparing your flooring color to the worldwide wood tone pigments — raw and burnt sienna, raw and burnt umber and yellow ocher — assists specify the tone you want to handle. If the timber has a stunning grain pattern with contrasting colors, you may look for an in-between tone rather than selecting one or the other.

Keep Matters Warm

Once you’ve decided on the colour of this ground, the task of deciding upon the wall hue gets simpler. The best strategy is to keep it analogous to the ground color — warm wood tones contain yellows, browns and oranges. Green is on the outer border of this analogous zone for most wood tones, but it functions well with hardwood floors which have eluded of raw umber — particularly birch. If your objective is to draw focus away from the ground, it’s best to avoid highlighting it using colors that contrast, which can be on the blue and purple side of the color wheel.

Dark-Colored Floors

The value of this color you are using on the walls also affects the visibility of this ground. A dark flooring stands out when contrasted using a light wall color. That doesn’t mean you have to turn the space into a dungeon if you happen to get a dark ground, however. If you maintain the wall hue close to the ground shade, the contrast made by a lighter shade generally isn’t an issue. Dark colors on the ground and light colors on the walls and ceiling tends to draw the eye up and away from the ground.

Light-Colored Floors

If you want to draw attention away from a light-colored hardwood flooring, don’t paint the walls dark. Even if the wall and flooring colors certainly are a close match, it is going to be tough to avoid noticing the flooring. To earn a light-colored floor disappear, match the colour and value of this shade on the walls or neutralize the walls by painting them a light shade of gray. Keep the attention away from the floors by providing eye candy in the form of ornamental trim, colorful furnishings or a major decor feature, like a big window or mirror.

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