Eliminate Toilet Bowl Ring

Toilet bowl rings have several distinct causes, though all of them occur because of the constant shift between wet and dry conditions in the water’s surface. Pale brown spots that look like rust can be due to mineral deposits and hard water, while black, green or orange rings and streaks might be mould. A pink band is usually caused by a bacteria known as Serratia marcescens. Knowing what’s causing the ring makes it easier for you to choose the best way of getting rid of it.

Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands because most toilet bowl cleaning alternatives are somewhat caustic.

Pour 1 cup of white or bleach vinegar into your toilet bowl and let it sit for 15 minutes if you are attempting to get rid of a mold or bacterial ring. Spray a non-bleach bathroom bowl foam across the ring and up beneath the rim of the toilet bowl to take care of rusty stains from mineral deposits or hard water. Do not use cleansers containing bleach on this kind of stain because bleach can create the stain permanent. Let the foam sit for three to five minutes.

Scrub the inside of the bathroom thoroughly with a toilet brush. Ensure that you receive the space up beneath the rim.

Flush the toilet to rinse away the bleach, vinegar or toilet bowl cleanser.

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