Differences Between Tall & Short Corn Plants

Used in several food and drink products in addition to a feed product for animals, corn is a widely grown vegetable, both on big monoculture farms and in home gardens. The height of a corn plant can severely impact several aspects of its growth, development and health and can reveal possible trouble in the garden or field.


A gap in corn plant height might stem from several possible contributing factors. Soil that’s packed too tightly can prevent an adequate quantity of water from reaching the root systems of the plant, stunting growth. Conversely, dips and breaks at the expanding area may cause parts to become saturated with water. This can also restrict the corn plants in the affected area whilst leaving others to grow taller. Uneven spreading of fertilizer is another cause of intense difference in corn plant height.

Tall Is Dominant

According to research performed at Purdue University, shorter corn plants are aggressively dominated by their taller counterparts despite being genetically equal. Tall plants have more access to sunlight, causing their root systems to develop quicker. Over time, these root processes can invade the plants’ place and deprive them of valuable nourishment. Particularly in massive fields, this aggressive dominance can muscle out both younger and poorer plants, limiting the crop. Keeping shorter plants at a different growing place from taller ones can give them the opportunity they need to thrive.


1 benefit of being more compact is a much better immunity to cold. Corn plants develop shorter in cold weather than they do in heat, conserving their energy and limiting the quantity of surface area that’s influenced by the weather. Corn plants that are implanted during warmer times of year will grow taller than those implanted in cold weather.


Probably the most relevant difference between tall and short corn plants is the magnitude of the crop. Smaller plants do not produce as big a vegetable as smaller, bigger plants. Furthermore, if corn plants are shorter because of damaging elements like lack of nourishment or unusual weather, they might not create a return at all.

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